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Alam's most recent teaching experience began in 2020 (till 2022) when she was offered the opportunity to be an international online teacher for stop motion animation, arts and crafts from across the world (North America, Japan, UK and the Middle East) through the platform and Toon Club India. She and her students also worked on a project called ‘TRASHIMATIONS’ – creating animations with discarded and trash items, a very personal project for some children.

Below is a video is a compilation of films made by Alam's young students.

this is me, enjoying the learning-teaching-learning combo!




ALAM in collaboration with TOON CLUB

film by made  VIHAAN DAS MASKARA(11) SHIVAN SINGH(10), HELENA SACHARUK(11)  as a part of a 4 session international stop motion workshop conducted by me. A creative film titled ‘STICKMATION’ created by 5-12 years old students under her guidance recently won the 2nd prize at VAFI RAFI Children’s festival, Croatia and Honorable mention, Cartoon Club Festival in Rimini, Italy and Punto Y Raya, 2022.

Honourable Mention PyRJr21_ToonClub.jpg

In a collaboration with TOON CLUB, she facilitated and taught 5-12 yo, over three months across the world and created a film titled ‘STICKMATION’ which recently won the 2nd prize at VAFI RAFI Children’s festival, Croatia and Honorable mention, Cartoon Club Festival in Rimini, Italy and Punto Y Raya, 2022.

Farha has recently completed writing a 10-module stop motion animation course for young minds commissioned by xQ Entertainment, Bombay, which can be shared upon request. Farha has worked as a video producer for Going to School.

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this one made by adults through a one day workshop

stories from trash


animation made with waste plastic bottles by children and young adults

cardboard, plastic bottles, plastic straws, e-waste like bulb holders, electrical parts, egg cartons, juice cartons, paper plates, newspaper, toilet rolls, empty boxes, twigs, leaves, walnut shells, tin cans, toilet rolls- almost anything and everything

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